Monday, October 10, 2011

Memory Space!

The Ultimate Hamper will have a 8 gb 16 gb and 32 gb option that will keep a registered collection of your clothes in it's system. This memory will show up on a program on your computer that will show which clothes are dirty and which are clean. It's an easy way to narrow down what to wear! The way it knows which clothes go through is by the RFID chip that is on each article of clothing. 

This helps the customer know what is dirty, what isn't, and if anything is lost. If it's not in the system as dirty than either the item is clean or missing! It's an easy way to know if you need to run a load to have those awesome jeans clean for later that night or if you are running out of shirts in your dresser! Either way the Ultimate Hamper has just increased it's necessity with this addition! Go buy yours today!


  1. You may not need that large of memory allocations for what would ultimately just be text or XML data. I am glad that you are thinking about differentiations factors for the devices, i would focus more on the connectivity though because it is going to be all about getting that information into a device you can more easily interact with.

  2. Hey Jake Im not too clear as to what exactly the ultimate hamper is. Is it like a washer/dryer machine or what? It sounds really cool and time-saving though. I like the idea, keep developing it!
